Creating a world that is intentional and inclusive of children with special needs, particularly those on the autism spectrum

Advocate. Educate. Love. Accept. Include.

To represent and be an advocate for special needs individuals; further developing and creating a world that is fully inclusive of these individuals, particularly but not limited to children on the autism spectrum.


The prevelance of children diagnosed with autism specturm disorder appears to be increasing. Early recognition and acceptance of the signs/symptoms in children are typically the first step to becoming an advocate.

Goal: to not only serve as advocates for individuals on the spectrum, but also encourage the utilization of skills and interventions learned throughout life to advocate for oneself to the best of his/her ability; with hopes of self-advocacy encouraging independence, self-sufficiency, and an overall improvement and satisfaction in the quality of one’s every day life


Not only is it important for children on the spectrum to learn to nagivate through the world and life in a way that fosters their abilities, but it is also important for those who don’t face the challenges of autism to learn and understand the diversity and dynamics of the diagnosis, including the challenges and unique abilities that are associated with it

Goal: to provide a variety of resources and information that encourages both neurotypical and neurodiverse individuals to learn to coexist, effectively interact, and build relationsips that are sutiable, accepted, and respected by individuals in all aspects of life (examples: interactive workshops, informational sessions, social events)


There are studies available that suggests that physial activity has a positive impact on improving the social, behavioral, and communication skills of children on the autism spectrum, therefore decreasing the degree of the diagnosis.

Goal: to create functional spaces and environments that are tailored to support the abilities and additional attention that may be required by special needs individuals (examples: indoor playgrounds, parks)


Feel free to contact us with any questions.
